eat local

Turkeys, A Year In The Making

Turkeys, A Year In The Making

It’s a purchase that most of us make only once a year, so why not make that purchase an investment in your local farms and a true celebration of the turkey? What better way to celebrate a season of harvest and thanksgiving than to have a meal that is centered around sustainable, local, and humane agriculture!

Southeast Georgia, The Cornucopia Of Good Food

Southeast Georgia, The Cornucopia Of Good Food

As I was driving home through Southeast Georgia recently, I found myself reflecting on all of the wonderful stories we are and have been able to share. I never cease to be amazed at the wonderful and resilient people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through my work with Southern Soil.

I find myself a bit in awe at the vast amount and variety of foods that are available right here from local sources. And by “here”, I don’t just mean in the state of Georgia, I mean right here in our little corner of the state.