Support your local food systems today so they can be there for you tomorrow!

Food shortages, natural disasters, supply chain interruptions, climate change and geopolitical tensions are all very important factors that point toward the vital role of local food systems.

We’ve had little glimpses. We’ve seen enough to know that having local farms and local venues, local butchers and local brewers, local chefs and local farmers, local bakers and local businesses are there for us when there are hiccups in the national and regional food systems.

Thank God for our local farmers, we think to ourselves.

I’m not an alarmist. I’m not a pessimist. I guess I like to think of myself more as a pragmatist - someone who looks at the reality of a situation and then tries to make practical decisions based on that reality.

Here’s the reality as I see it. All those things I listed at the start of this post are things that have existed throughout human history. They are things that to some degree or another exist right now. And they are things that, in my opinion, are likely to get worse in the near future. At least for a period of time.

What does that mean for us as consumers?

In my opinion, what it means is that TODAY is the time to support your local farms, farmers, butchers, businesses, restaurants, stores, brewers and bakers! Because if you want them to be there for you in your time of need, you better be there for them now so they can still be in business down the road.

A farm that produces for 20 customers today, can’t suddenly produce for 70 customers tomorrow. Food production just doesn’t work that way.

A farmer who is on the brink of walking away from farming today because they can’t make enough income to take care of their families, won’t be growing food for you in six months when you’re struggling to find eggs at your local supermarket. He or she needs to be making a living wage TODAY!

You can plan ahead for food shortages by stocking up … and that’s certainly always a good policy. But there’s another way that you can plan ahead - support your local food producers and retailers TODAY!

They need you today so they can be there for you tomorrow.

Start with something. Start today. I encourage you, if you don’t already, to find a farmer in your community and begin purchasing one thing from that farm. Whether it’s eggs or tomatoes or pork chops … start getting at least one item that’s on your grocery list from that farm instead of getting it at your grocery store.

If you don’t know of a farmer in your community, feel free to reach out and I will personally help you find one! There’s one there… I’m sure of it. 

Do it today.