Southern Soil

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Let's Move the Conversation Forward

I don’t know about you, but more and more often as I’m out and about or just having conversations in general the topic of food is coming up more regularly. Not the typical, “what should we have for dinner?” type conversations, but expressed concerns over food shortages, higher prices and the desire to have more control.

These kind of conversations are a perfect gateway to further the discussion of local food systems and the importance of finding local food suppliers and learning to grow more of our own foods too!

If you find yourself having conversations with friends, family members and neighbors who may not be as aware of the local food community as you are - please consider introducing them to Southern Soil as a source of information and inspiration! We have years worth of content readily available that can help shed light on the issue, introduce local farms, and inspire action toward safeguarding our local food supply!

We don’t fuel fear or fan the fire of panic. Our goal is to offer hope for a better, more sustainable, just, healthy, food system through our local communities; by supporting local farmers, encouraging personal responsibility and involvement, and promoting sustainable and regenerative practices!

While food is a hot topic among the general public, let’s take this opportunity to move the conversation about our local food systems forward!